This series explored dark, sometimes painful, but interesting juxtapositions using antique anatomical illustrations of both humans, animals, and botany to create compelling and thought-provoking new imagery that explore themes such as infertility, mutation, fear, chimeras, science, medical curiosity, frustration, body horror, and monstrous things. The series also included several classic hand gestures including “Anatomical Peace Sign”, “Rock On Anatomy” and "The Middle Finger (Anatomical)". Digital collage is harder than you think. It's the best kind of puzzle to work out. This art show was very well attended and I got a lot of curious questions and a few insightful comments, including one from a kid who looked at one of the pieces and said, “And that’s what happens when you don’t brush your teeth, so you should definitely brush your teeth”. A person who bought prints of my three turtle dioramas told me, “I don’t know how you did it, but you just summed up my entire childhood in three images”.